Natalie Lang receives Research Award 2019

Forschungsfrderungspreis Natalie LangWhich role can religion play in the context of migration?
This is the question that Natalie Lang unfolds in her dissertation "Source of Pride: Hindu Religion in La Réunion", for which she was awarded the Frobenius Institute's Research Award on 19 October.

The Commission acknowledges the work's high level of methodological and reflexive standards as well as Natalie Lang's scientific potential. She completed her doctorate at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, since July 2019 she is a Fellow at the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore.

The Research Award is announced annually for an outstanding dissertation in social and cultural anthropology during the Frankfurt Book Fair. It is endowed with 3,000 euros and is funded by the Frobenius Society and the Hahn-Hissink Frobenius Foundation.

Find out more about the Research Award

Press release 21 October (German)