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- Research focus
- Ongoing projects
- Research networks and educational programs
- Markadugu. The relationship of urbanism and trade to state power in the Segou region of Mali
- Connecting the lower middle Niger through borrowed words and shared objects: Archaeo-linguistic network analysis and modelling of cultural entanglements between the Malian Sahara and the Nigerian forests (AD 700-1500)
- The Lake Chad Region as a Crossroads: first archaeological and oral historical investigations into early Kanem-Borno and its intra-African connections
- Cultural Entanglements on the Lower Guadalquivir. Interacting ResourceCultures and Socio-Cultural Change in the South of the Iberian Peninsula
- Der Wunsch nach einem ‚guten Leben’: Strategien zur Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts im Iran und in Deutschland
- Salvage Crops, “Savage” People: A Comparative Anthropological and Archaeobotanical Investigation of Millet Assemblages in India
- ResourceCultures of Rice and Wheat in South and Central Asia. Religious and (agro-) economic dimensions of cereals
- Exploring religious dynamics in the Kafa region of southwestern Ethiopia
- Becoming and being Bahá'í in Kyrgyzstan - Conversion and social navigation in the context of a globalised transmission of religious knowledge
- Forschungsdatenmanagement am Frobenius-Institut
- Concluded pojects
- Interpretation of unexamined African narratives from the collections of the Frobenius Institute
- Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel
- Processes of transformation among Kurdish Yezidis in Germany
- Studies on the history of West-Central Africa
- [Kago and kastom. On the relationship between cultural perceptions of self and other in West New Britain]
- Patina of the desert. Recreation of the patina of engraved or painted Saharan sandstone
- Ife objects and collections in and out of Africa
- Western norms and local media in Africa
- Digitisation and cataloging of the Frobenius Institute's Pictorial Archive
- Günther Tessmann
- Fijian migrants in London
- "The making of indigeneity?"
- Alternative economic discourses in post-colonial social and political movements
- South-south cooperation in higher education
- Indexing and Digitizing of the Archival Material on Ethiopian Studies of the Frobenius Institute
- Leo Frobenius: eine “histoire croisée“ der Entstehung und Aneignung von ethnologischen Wissen in Deutschland und Frankreich
- Christlicher Fundamentalismus im südlichen Bergland von Papua-Neuguinea
- Zum Verhältnis von kultureller Fremd- und Selbstwahrnehmung in Neubritannien
- Indigene Museen und "cultural centres" im Pazifik
- Repatriierungsforderungen im postkolonialen Diskurs: Die Restitutionspolitik ethnologischer Museen seit 1970
- Die Integration von Handelsgütern überseeischer Provenienz in matrimoniale Tauschzyklen: Ethnographische Fallbeispiele
- Indigenous media and conflict transformation in Indonesia
- Negotiating Law in the Peripheries of Southern Ethiopia
- Religiöse Ressourcen: Wertschöpfung und Wertkonvertierung von Ressourcen in Zentral- und Südasien
- Informal markets and trade in Eurasia: Central Asia and Caucasus
- The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Resources: Iranian and German Perspectives
- The development of Ethnology and Prehistory in France and Germany up to the 1960s: A history of entanglement
- Markadugu: The relationship of urbanism and trade to state power in the Segou region of Mali
- The German Ethnographic Expeditions to the Kimberley, Northwest Australia
- Der Wunsch nach einem ‚guten Leben’: Strategien zur Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts im Iran und in Deutschland
- On the saf(v)e side: informal economic associations and future aspirations in the Ethiopian diaspora
- From "poor man's food" to "nutri-cereals". On the Emergence of a New Millet Assemblage in Odisha, India
- Collections
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- Publications