Opening ceremony at the Cyprian Ekwensi Centre for Arts and Culture (FTC Council for Arts and Culture), Abuja, November 9, 2010
Brochure for the opening in Abuja
Speeches delivered (click to open):
- Director General, National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Yusuf Abdallah Usman
- Senate Committee Chairman on Culture, Senator Dahiru Bako Gassol
- House Committee Chairman on Culture, Hon. K.G.B. Oguakwa
- Dr. Richard Kuba, Curator at the Frobenius-Institute in Frankfurt (Germany)
Entrance to the exhibition hall
Opening ceremony: the venue
Welcome address by the Director General of the NCMM, Yusuf Abdallah Usman
Exhibition tour guided by NCMMs Director for Research and Training, Dr. Musa Hambolu
Pupils watching the exhibition
Interview of NCMMs Director General, Yusuf Abdallah Usman, for the NTA Evening News
A coss section of the public at the opening. The exhibition was composed of the highlights of the regional parts shown in Ife, Makurdi, Minna and Yola