Project Management: Prof. Dr. Martin Bartelheim (Institute for Prehistory and Early History, University of Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Roland Hardenberg (Frobenius Institute at Goethe University)
Project staff: Manuel Respondek, Elene Revert Frances
Duration: July 2021 - June 2025
Funding: DFG within the framework of the CRC 1070 „RessourcenKulturen“
Project partners: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Huelva, Parco Minero Riotinto, German Archaeological Institute Madrid
Funding volume: approx. 470,000 euros
Subproject A 02 focuses on long-term developments of ResourceCultures in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In accordance with the overall concept of the CRC, ResourceCultures are investigated that met in this region at certain times and influenced each other. The direct juxtaposition of these ResourceCultures allows the respective peculiarities to emerge more clearly and thus enables their more precise characterization. Thus, in the first case study, in accordance with the diachronic perspective envisaged since the beginning of CRC 1070 in the prehistoric part of the subproject, the socio-cultural interactions between local populations and the immigrant Phoenicians in the Spanish southwest at the lower reaches of the Guadalquivir and in the adjacent region of Huelva at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age are investigated. The second case study focuses on the mutual influences between British mining companies, which exploited the rich ore deposits in the mountains of Huelva in the late 19th and 20th centuries, and peasant Spanish society in the modern period. Both case studies will comparatively focus on the social, economic and cultural implications of the clash of different ideas, practices and dynamics in dealing with resources or ResourceComplexes in specific landscapes.