Gerhard Baer
Lebendig bleiben
Alice Wilson
Households and the production of public and private domains: revolutionary changes in Western Sahara’s liberation movement
Dominik Schieder
“Fiji has a coup culture”: discussing Fiji’s ongoing political instability
Alexandra Widmer
Of field encounters and metropolitan debates: research and the making and meaning of the Melanesian ‘race’ during demographic decline
Miriam Benteler
‘Integration’ into the credit system: a note on the meaning of fieldwork experience and money-lending in coastal Kerala (South India)
Sebastian Schellhaas und Mario Schmidt
„Without Kuon it is no food!“ Zur Aktualität des Core-Fringe-Leguminosen-Modells anhand von Veränderung und Stabilität in der Küche der Luo (Kenia)
Heike Kämpf
Gabe, Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung. Überlegungen zu Paul Ricoeurs Begriff der Gabe
Cultural diversity in Ethiopia
Susanne Epple and Sophia Thubauville
Cultural diversity in Ethiopia between appreciation and suppression
Ambaye Ogato
The revival and reconstruction of tradition and ethnic politics in Sidama: tradition as an arsenal of contest and negotiation
Fabienne Braukmann
Marginalised hunters? Political and cultural challenges among the Haro of Lake Abaya (southern Ethiopia)
Susanne Epple
Local responses to externally induced cultural change: the introduction of formal education in Bashada (southern Ethiopia)
Sophia Thubauville
Brides behind bars: Maale women as captives between tradition and development
Shauna LaTosky
A form of self-harm? Opening the dialogue on ‘harmful cultural practices’ in southern Ethiopia
Kate Nialla Fayers-Kerr
The ‘Miranda’ and the ‘cultural archive’: from Mun (Mursi) lip-plates, to body painting and back again
Hans Peter Hahn
Durkheim und die Ethnologie. Schlaglichter auf ein schwieriges Verhältnis
Verena Keck
Oliver Herbert: Todeszauber und Mikroben. Berlin: 2011
Susann Lewerenz
Volker M. Langbehn (Hrsg): German colonialism, visual culture, and modern memory. New York 2010
Udo Mischek
Uwe Wolfradt: Ethnologie und Psychologie. Berlin 2011
Anette Rein
Volker Gottowik (Hrsg.): Die Ethnographen des letzten Paradieses. Bielefeld 2010
Markus Schindlbeck
Adrienne Kaeppler: Holophusicon. Altenstadt 2011
Geraldine Schmitz
Larissa Förster: Postkoloniale Erinnerungslandschaften. Frankfurt am Main 2010
Tom Simmert
John L. Comaroff und Jean Comaroff: Ethnicity, Inc. Chicago 2009
Bernhard Streck
Hadumod Bußmann: „Ich habe mich vor nichts im Leben gefürchtet“. München 2011
Heiner Walenda-Schölling
Andrew Beatty: A shadow falls. London 2009
Holger Warnk
Leif Manger: The Hadrami diaspora. New York 2010
Thomas Zitelmann
Echi Christina Gabbert und Sophia Thubauville (Hrsg.): To live with others. Köln 2010
Raimar W. Kory
László Vajda (1923–2010)
Josef Franz Thiel
Jacques Gutwirth (1926–2012)